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Small Wish International Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 by Arif Lemani. The foundation is actively working in India to address multifaceted issues related to poverty and environmental sustainability. Over the years, the foundation has devised new strategies, implemented flagship projects that tackled childhood deprivation, fostered pro-environmental behavior in individuals & communities, and increased youth participation in social action. In addition to the flagship projects, the Foundation carried out humanitarian missions to prevent human suffering, provided aid and assistance to people affected by disasters, crises, emergencies, and saved lives.

Mission Statement

For an Equitable and Sustainable World.

Founder's Vision

To work the greater good of humankind, wildlife and the planet.

Flagship Project

For a change

To ensure a decent childhood for children experiencing childhood deprivation and children at risk

Flagship Project


To foster pro-environmental behavior in individuals & communities.