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Small Wish International Foundation is a non-profit organization led by Arif Lemani with vision to build an equitable and sustainable world. Our high-functioning team is comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Under a shared mission with unwavering commitment, the team operates as a community of passionate individuals who synergize their talents and unwavering dedication to create meaningful, sustainable change. Their collaborative spirit, adaptability, and commitment to excellence set them apart as a model of success in the realm of nonprofit work.

Arif Lemani

Managing Director

Arif Lemani is an activist, philanthropist, and artist. He comes from an background in Sustainable Development. He has worked for near a decade with impoverished communities across India and initiated the For a Change Project to improve the lives of hundreds of children who were deprived of decent childhood. He led an environment program called CCEP that helped thousands of people reduce their consumption impact and live sustainably.  Through his pioneering ideas, he has championed the causes of achieving Environmental Sustainability and ensuring decent childhood for underprivileged children.

He founded the Non-Profit, Small Wish International Foundation in 2015 to address multifaceted issues related to poverty and environmental sustainability and is currently serving as the Managing Director.

The Impact Oversight and Advisory Committee (IOAC) serves in an expert advisory capacity to assist the foundation on any matters pertaining to the furtherance and implementation of projects and objects of the Foundation, development of standards and best practices, effective and efficient implementation of the Foundation’s programme and policies, and such other mandate and scope enumerated by the Board. The IOAC members have credibility and extensive experience in their field, and we have assigned salient roles to the members of the IOAC so that effectively they contribute to achieving defined strategic goals and objectives.

Dipjyoti Baishya

Dipjyoti Baishya is a chartered accountant appointed as the Auditor of the Small Wish International Foundation. He ensures that the foundation’s financial statements are in good order, reviews the foundation accounts to the highest standards of probity and transparency, and ensures the financial statements are in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). 

Sheikh Prince Khalid

Prince Khalid has been member of Small Wish International Foundation since September 2019. He frequently volunteers in Disaster Relief Operations. He is a human resource professional, plays a pivotal role at Amazon India towards fostering a vibrant and inclusive work culture that empowers employees to thrive and excel in their roles, ensuring both individual and organizational success.

Pritisha Borthakur

Pritisha Borthakur is a Journalist, Entrepreneur, and an Author. She is a member of the Impact Advisory and Oversight Committee (IOAC) and is currently serving as Advisor, Organizational Outreach.

Shatabdi Sengupta

Shatabdi Sengupta is a compliance professional contracted by the board of Small Wish International Foundation. She ensures the foundation complies with company law, maintains certain statutory requirements, and makes the necessary filings with the Registrar of Companies such as annual returns, financial statements, and certain forms with respect to changes inside the foundation.

The Core Team Members are passionate individuals/ volunteers with a deep understanding of the NGO’s goals. Each core team member brings a unique skill set to the table, allowing them to tackle multifaceted challenges with comprehensive approaches. Their collective passion for the organization’s cause drives them to go above and beyond, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Bhabana Barman

Bhabana Barman, is a lawyer from Guwahati, passionately advocates for social justice, utilizing her legal expertise to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. Some prominent areas she worked with us includes community engagement, reducing childhood deprivation, delivering quality environmental education. She understands the organization’s vision and has actively worked for the foundation since January 2021.

Nitin Sharma

Nitin Sharma is a photographer from Bangalore, India. He has over 5 years of experience and has traveled to countries like Sri Lanka, UAE, Greece, and Indonesia for his work. He was a fellow for the year 2021. During his fellowship, he was deputed to Majuli Island, Assam where he worked with our team to increase the scope of sustainable community-based tourism. He shot documentaries and captured beautiful images to make a travel handbook to guide tourists and boost sustainable tourism on the island. After completing his fellowship, he joined as a core team member.

Sahil Hassan

Sahil Hassan, the skilled engineer and webmaster, is the driving force behind Lumenoid Studios, combining technical prowess with artistic flair to craft immersive digital experiences that leave a lasting impression. With a passion for innovation and compassion to bring a change, he continues to support the Foundation through web design.

Gitumoni Kashyap

Gitumoni Kashyap is a graphics designer with over 5 years of experience. He is also a professional actor and an Assistant Director. He has been using his designing abilities for Small Wish International Foundation since May 2022.

Sakina Shaikh

Sakina holds a master’s degree in Behavioral psychology with over four years of experience in the corporate sector. She has a keen interest in mental health, social work, and anthropology, combining her knowledge to understand the complexities of human behavior. She joined in February 2023 as a part of the team that worked on the implementation of the For a Change Project in Bangalore and currently thrives in her multifaceted role as a core team member.